Driving Courses for Senior Citizens

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vintage-car-1149230_640Although driving may begin to seem like second nature over the course of our lives, it’s a fact that driving is a skill. There is no instinct or talent involved. It is something that must be taught, and once we have learned how to do it (and hopefully, do it well), we should always be working to improve our performance on the road. A vehicle can take you far, but it can also take a life, and when it does, it happens in the blink of an eye.

Driving is a risk at any age, and for senior citizens, it becomes especially critical to maintain good driving habits. It’s a hard fact to face, we agree. However, natural components of the aging process, such as diminished hearing and vision, add to the inherent challenges of operating a motor vehicle. Imagine if you couldn’t even see that roadway hazard coming. As we mature, it’s important that we understand how to adjust to this type of sensory impairment, slower reflexes, and other normal changes.

If you’re over 55 years of age and still in the habit of driving on a regular basis, some of the benefits of taking a driving course include:

It will update you on the most recent advances in technology and safety features found in the cars and trucks of today.

It will make you (and anyone who may be riding with you) feel more confident about your abilities behind the wheel.

You may become eligible for certain automobile insurance incentives. Nearly 2/3 of the United States require insurance providers to offer discounts for this type of course (at any age). The cost savings alone should more than pay for the price of your course.

According to the most recent data released by the CDC and the National Highway Safety Administration, “In 2014, more than 5,700 older adults were killed and more than 236,000 were treated in emergency departments for motor vehicle crash injuries. This amounts to 16 older adults killed and 648 injured in crashes on average every day.”

Seniors, what would it mean for you and your family if you were in a car crash? Why wouldn’t you want to take all of the available steps to prevent that from happening?

You’ve been driving for decades, and nobody would question our competency. They would, however, make every effort to support you in maintaining your independence and to keep you safe wherever you go.

Rest assured that a driving course that has been designed for participants over the age of 55 will be understanding of your needs as a senior motorist. Contact Drive This Way Driver Training to learn more about our Adult Driving Course options, or if you prefer, one-on-one driver training with a private instructor.

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